Category: Fashion & Beauty

  • Lookbook:  Amy Pond Style

    Lookbook: Amy Pond Style

    With her adorable miniskirts, leather boots and jackets, collection of sheer tights, and ability to layer, Amy Pond was a fashion goddess. And that hair! Simply to die for. I donned a red wig, applied some red lip liner to my brows, and found just the right shade of lipstick,…

  • Lookbook:  Buffy Summers Style

    Lookbook: Buffy Summers Style

    What can I say? I was a teenager in the ’90s. And like all other teens of the ’90s, I drooled weekly over Buffy’s fashion choices. Her look is iconic. So when I stumbled across these absolutely perfect mustard-yellow leather pants, I knew I had to put a look together.…, pub-1943891066414733, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0