We had a lovely time visiting Strasbourg, the “Capital of Christmas”!

The hotel we stayed in was very modern…too modern in a really big way. The restroom was see-through. It had blinds–heavy plastic ones that were designed to remain permanently open. And there was a big, heavy door that was built not to close all the way, leaving a huge gap to peep through.
View of the restroom from the bed. The door gap.
We’re not at a point in our relationship, and do not intend for there to ever come a point in our relationship, in which this situation is okay. So we worked out a whole system where he would go to the restaurant for breakfast or some of the delicious appetizers the hotel served throughout the evening, and I would meet him there a few minutes later. Then he would leave and text me when I could come back up. I really wish I knew what those designers were thinking, because none of it made any sense to us!

Despite the peculiar restroom situation, we loved our stay. There was excellent service and food at the hotel. We were a twenty-minute walk from the center of town and the Christmas markets. And for a portion of our visit, it didn’t rain.

Strasbourg boasts the oldest Christmas markets in the entirety of Europe. And there was lots to take in! Three enormous Christmas trees, tons of lights, and all the beautiful faerie tale-like architecture combined to make this the trip of dreams.

We had to stop at a creperie! La Plouzinette was a warm and pleasant little place in the middle of downtown. Like everyone else we encountered in Strasbourg, the staff was very friendly to us, and they chuckled understandingly when I mixed up languages in my head and said “si” instead of “oui”. I ordered this scrumptious banana rum crepe (L’Armorique) that they flambeed at the table. (Unfortunately, I didn’t get a picture of it while it was on fire!)

There were so many artful sights along the streets. Strasbourg is so full of charm and beauty, even the rain couldn’t dampen my spirits. “Even though it’s raining, it still looks like we’re in a Disney movie. It’s just that we’re in a Disney movie when it’s raining,” I observed.

I took photos of so many lovely things, I couldn’t possibly share them all. I would go back to Strasbourg in an instant. But after only two short days, we boarded a train back to Prague.
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