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7 Cool Things I Found Online in September


Coolors is a color scheme generator that allows you to create and explore palettes. You can load photos and pull directly from them to study each color individually and determine, for example, what colors might look best with your precise hair, skin, and eyes. If you create a free account, you can even save as many palettes as you want in your profile. You can also download them to your computer.

An interesting note is that there are so many different colors in just one person’s hair and skin! Here, for example, are 6 different natural red shades I found in my hair.

To further my point, my hair is actually brown. Dark brown!

A similar site is Encycolorpedia, where you can search for the specific color codes for things. (I discovered this one when I was first creating my website. The background of my site is actually the exact color code of my favorite car–this 1959 pink Cadillac.)

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo.

The Storygraph

I’m currently trying out the beta version of this competitor to Goodreads. Here you can choose books based on words like “dark”, “moody”, and “medium-paced”, as though you’re describing a wine. The recommendations are very intuitive.

When you sign up, you fill out a survey with all kinds of details about what you do and do not like to read, and what kind of books you don’t currently want recommended to you (you can change these details at any time). You’re then able to browse books based on your preferences. You also have the option of importing all your books and reviews over from Goodreads. And it automatically tracks how many pages you’ve read!

The reason it’s called The Storygraph: Inside your portal, you can actually see graphs based on your reading habits. You can currently sort by month or by all-time. There are graphs that show the books’ moods, paces, page numbers, and fiction to non-fiction ratio. And you can compare the same graphs side by side for books you’ve read and books you plan to read, so you can gauge whether you’re likely to enjoy what’s in your to-read pile. Here’s an example of one of the graphs showing the moods I tend to read:

Basically, there’s a lot to learn about yourself and your reading habits from The Storygraph that Goodreads doesn’t offer! If you’re concerned that, being so new, it might not have something Goodreads does, well, I searched for some of the more obscure books I’ve read, and so far haven’t come across anything that’s missing.


A couple months ago, everyone was posting their brand new Facebook avatars. This month it was Picrew. From my understanding, any artist can create their own character maker on Picrew by designing their own selections of facial features, hairstyles, and clothing that you then piece together to look like you or whoever you want. This one by artist poika was my favorite because to me it looks very Disney. And I loved all the clothing options! I couldn’t decide which style I liked best.


I just learned about this app that allows you to earn money just for walking around your house! It’s totally free and beautifully designed. You just download it to your phone, let it connect to your pedometer, and start earning. The app is called Sweatcoin, and if you join using my link, I get some kind of tiny reward (a few cents, I think), so thank you in advance if you decide to go for it!

As I see it, a worthwhile reward is a long time away, but either way, that day will come that I reach the right number of steps, and when it does, I’ll either have nothing at the end or I’ll have a brand new ~$1,000 device. And hopefully it’ll encourage me to move around more in the meantime!

Royalty Now

Becca Saladin is a graphic designer who studies old works of art, such as paintings and statues, and reveals what historical figures would look like if they lived today. Many of them are surprisingly attractive with their modern makeovers, with some bearing strange resemblances to celebrities of today. When unknown, Becca does her best to research hair and eye color and skin tone so her results will be as accurate as possible. Sometimes she takes requests. And she even has a shop!

Tennis Fashion

The only sports I ever harbored a secret interest in learning growing up were tennis, horseback riding, and cheerleading, and it was 100% because of the fashion. This post (and the fact that my boyfriend was a bit of a tennis star in school) just confirms that I should have pursued that interest a long time ago. Just a fun look at tennis fashion for women.

Licorice in the News

Apparently consuming too much black licorice (which I love) can be dangerous! (Yes, yes, I know, “too much of anything is a bad thing”, and “everything in moderation”…but apparently this is particularly potent.) This is really good for me to know because I drink a lot of tea during the day, and sometimes it is licorice-flavored. I’ll have to skip the licorice tea from now on and stick to the occasional licorice treat.

What cool things have you discovered lately?

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  1. Interesting. I’ve never heard of Sweatcoin but that’s a great idea. I’m definitely going to check that out!

    1. Enjoy! 🙂

  2. Nice post! It’s amazing how many interesting things we can find and even more – earn with!
    Sweatcoin took my attention because already 3 months I am having a dog and walking now is our favorite activity!

    1. Fantastic! Sounds like a good app for you! 🙂

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